In focus

Employee Care Hub
Ready to use tools to help you support the health and wellbeing of your team
Explore Categories
Cancer Prevention
Find tools to help you promote Cancer Prevention with your team
Cancer Prevention Email Campaign
Download and share our ready to use email wellness campaign with your team.

Happiness in Life
Continuation plans for employees leaving your group scheme
Did you know that employees leaving a group scheme can continue their health insurance with us hassle-free?
Continuation Resources
Download and share our ready to use email campaign and brochure with your team.

Promoting Health Resources



Travel Security

Promoting Emotional Resources
Wysa Chat Buddy
Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)
Digital check-up

More Resources
Understanding Insurance Terms
Which exclusions are applicable to my policy?
Find out what exclusions are, what they mean and if they apply to your group policy
Limits / Deductibles / Co-payments
Learn about deductibles, co-payment and benefit limits, which may impact the amount we'll pay when your employees claim.
Moratorium, FMU or MHD?
Do you know what Moratorium insurance is? And FMU or MHD? Learn the different insurance types to identify the one applicable to your group
What is in-patient, out-patient and day care treatment?
Find out the difference between in-patient, out-patient, day-care treatment and which require our pre-approval.

Health and Wellness Library
Check our health guides, videos, podcasts and recipe books aimed to help you prevent and manage common health issues.

Allianz Wellness Portal
Explore a wide range of services to help change the way you see health and protect you from preventable health risks.
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Certain services which may be included in your plan are provided by third party providers. You understand and agree that the insurer, its reinsurers and administrators are not responsible or liable for any claim, loss or damage, directly or indirectly resulting from your use of any of these third party services. Services are subject to third party terms of use. Wysa may not be used by those under 13 and is subject to legal guardian consent between 13 and 18. Wysa is not a substitute for face to face psychotherapy nor provides a diagnosis or prognosis, treatment or cure for a disease, disorder or disability or to provide any kind of state regulated mental health service in users country of residence. Wysa is not an emergency or crisis serviceand should not be used by individuals suffering from certain physical and mental conditions, as more particularly listed in the Wysa terms of use.